All Points Mobile Shredding Blog

Could Your Confidential Documents End Up in Another Country?

Here’s how it could happen

Did you know that paper is one of the most widely recycled materials in the world? This fact, and the fact that Americans use approximately 85 million tons of paper each year is the reason everyone needs to be cautious about what they are throwing into the trash and what they are recycling. In addition, tons of recycled paper, including from households and businesses around the country, are exported to other countries around the world. And it’s during this international paper trade that the risk of identity theft comes into play.

International recycled paper trade

In February of 2021, the United States exported 1.32 million tons of recovered fiber to various countries including Mexico, Vietnam and India. And although the paper had been recycled, the dangers of a security breach are very real. Because during the process of exporting the paper, your discarded documents are handled by many people, viewed by many eyes and could get separated from the rest of the load during the transportation process or end up sitting in a bin in a warehouse somewhere. It’s at this point where the risks of ID theft increases.

Prevent your documents from traveling to another country

Understanding how your confidential information can be stolen is the first step to preventing it. If you are throwing away or recycling papers that contain any personal information, even the most seemingly innocuous info, you are putting yourself and your identity at risk. The best way to keep your documents and your ID from traveling to another country or being breached locally is to shred. Shredding unwanted and unneeded papers ensures that they have been permanently destroyed before they are recycled. Home and office shredders cannot destroy documents to the same level—leaving you vulnerable to theft.

All Points Mobile Shredding can help protect you, your family and your business from ID theft by providing secure shredding onsite. Our professional shredding trucks come to you, allowing you to witness the entire process and providing you with the peace of mind that your documents have been destroyed beyond recognition. We also provide a certificate of destruction with every shred.

Give us a call today or fill out this form to learn more about how we can serve you.

Dawn Connelly

Dawn is the vice president of All Points Mobile Shredding. All Points Mobile Shredding is a family-owned and operated on-site document destruction company that has been serving the Treasure Coast, Palm Beaches, and surrounding areas since 1994.

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