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Do Paper Files Pose as Great a Risk for Breaches as Digital Ones?

Here’s Why Hard-Copies Can Be Just as Dangerous

The first thing most of us think of when we hear about data breaches are the loss of digital data—the hacking of millions of online records and the exposure of private information of millions of people at one time. And while this is an all too common occurrence these days, the fact is, your company’s paper files can pose just as great a risk. Many high profile organizations around the world have found this out the hard way, losing confidential client data and exposing their customers and themselves to ID theft.

Hard Copy Breaches Happen More Often Than You Think

Whether it’s the case of the medical clinic in Florida that lost more than 480,000 patient records or the company that was breached when sensitive documents were accidentally recycled or thrown in the regular trash, the reality is, any documents in your company’s possession that contain personal information can be stolen. Once that happens, you could be at risk for fines, lawsuits and damage to your organization’s reputation.

Protecting Your Company from Breaches

While ensuring your online files and company information is secure, it’s important to be just as vigilant with your paper records. Although many companies are moving a lot of their data online and to the cloud, any and all paperwork that you retain that contains sensitive or personal information can pose a risk.

Secure Shredding Containers & Bins

Beyond the basic steps of restricting access to confidential data among your staff, it’s crucial to have secure shredding contains and bins onsite to house those papers that will be destroyed. It’s important to note that when you partner with a professional shredding and destruction service, they will provide shredding and destruction bins and containers to house all of your documents before pick up. Because they are locked and only have a small slit on top to deposit papers, the documents placed inside are safe from theft and improper disposal. The key is to ensure that you are utilizing them properly and that your team is continuously trained on which papers are to be shredded and which ones are safe to recycle.

Shredding Onsite at Your Workplace

The next important step to protecting your corporate identity and your customer’s confidential information is partnering with a shredding and destruction company that will perform onsite shredding. This allows you to witness the entire process and eliminates the transportation of your sensitive data to another location. Professional shredding trucks have industrial equipment that can shred large amounts of paper at one time—making this a quick, convenient and efficient method of data security. Your shredding company should also provide a certificate of destruction with each shred, providing you with additional peace of mind and proof that you have done your due diligence when it comes to preventing a breach.

When it comes to safeguarding your company’s paper records, shredding on a regular basis is key. Whether you need a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule, consistent destruction of outdated, expired or unnecessary files will keep your sensitive data safe from theft.

All Points Mobile Shredding is a local, family-owned company that provides shredding and destruction to businesses and residents throughout South Florida. We offer customized schedules and onsite shredding and destruction of everything from papers to hard drives, devices, corporate products, apparel and more. Give us a call today or fill out this form
to get more information.

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